The Club Player’s Manifesto – (Volumes 51-60)
دانلود کلی مجموعه امپراتوری شطرنج دی وی دی 51 تا 60 برای بازیکنان باشگاهی
توسط استاد بزرگ دامیان لموس
فرمت:MP4 بهترین کیفیت
قابلیت پخش : کامپیوتر,اندروید و تمام سیسنم عامل ها
محصول : 
دوره 51: حمله برای بازیکنان باشگاهی
در این شماره از امپراتوری شطرنج DVD تاکید بر مفاهیم اساسی و پیشرفته از 'حمله به شاه »و بسیاری از عوامل که منجر به امکانات حمله ای می شود. که قبل از حمله آغاز شده است
دوره 52: حمله با حرکت اجباری و مجبور کردن حریف به حرکت دلخواه
این دی وی دی تاکید بر مفاهیم اساسی و پیشرفته از حمله به شاه و بسیاری از عوامل که منجر به امکان حمله میشود.
دوره 53: استراتژی برای بازیکنان باشگاهی - ارائه شده توسط GM دامیان Lemos
این دی وی دی شطرنج در "استراتژی" و در مورد بسیاری از شروع بازی های استراتژیک، عناصر استراتژیک هر یک از بازی و برخی از مفاهیم کلیدی شناسایی شده اند.
دوره 54: استراتژی قهرمان جهان - ارائه شده توسط GM دامیان Lemos
دوره 55: راهنمای شطرنج خشونت آمیز - ارائه شده توسط GM دامیان Lemos
این دی وی دی تاکید بر 'بازی های خشونت آمیز با استفاده از طرح، فشار مرکزی، و بهره برداری از فیل و غیره...
دوره 56: کنترل مرکز - ارائه شده توسط GM دامیان Lemos
دوره 57: راهنمای شطرنج پوزیسیونی- ارائه شده توسط GM دامیان Lemos
دوره 58: استادی در وسط بازی - ارائه شده توسط GM دامیان Lemos
دوره 59: تسلط دفاعی - ارائه شده توسط GM دامیان Lemos
دوره 60: راهنمای شطرنج تاکتیکی- ارائه شده توسط GM دامیان Lemos
مجموعه ای ارزشمند برای بازیکنان باشگاهی با بهترین کیفیت شامل ساعت ها آموزش حرفه ای شطرنج
Volume 51: GM Attacks for Club Players – Presented by GM Damian Lemos
In this Empire Chess DVD has emphasis on basic and advanced concepts of ‘Attacking the King’ and the many factors leading up to the attacking possibility. Before the attack commences there is explanations of how it happens, this is done by examining a theoretical opening, followed by examination of the middle game skills that enable the attacking possibility, followed by how the attack is correctly conducted.
Volume 52: Attacking with Forcing Moves – Presented by GM Damian Lemos
This DVD follows on from the first DVD in The Club Players Manifesto, which had emphasis on basic and advanced concepts of attacking the King and the many factors leading up to the attacking possibility.
Volume 53: GM Strategy for Club Players – Presented by GM Damian Lemos
This chess DVD looks at ‘Strategy’ and discusses the many strategical openings, then breaks down the strategical elements of each game and some of the key concepts are identified.
Volume 54: World Champion Strategy – Presented by GM Damian Lemos
This DVD builds upon Disk 3/10 ‘Strategy’ which discussed the many strategical openings primarily using game examples from ex World Champions. Emphasis is also given to ‘The Bishop Pair’ and the advantage and disadvantages in various situations.
Volume 55: Aggressive Chess Guide – Presented by GM Damian Lemos
This DVD has emphasis on ‘Aggressive Play’ using The Initiative, Central Pressure, Lateral entry for pieces and harnessing Bishops. There is also explanation of the opening running up to the aggressive play situations.
Volume 56: Control the Center – Presented by GM Damian Lemos
This DVD has emphasis on the ‘Center’ how to stake an advantage there, once secured, how to then approach with an attack on a different part of the board. Discussions of the theoretical openings and their control of the centre is also considered.
Volume 57: Positional Chess Guide – Presented by GM Damian Lemos
In this DVD, GM Damian Lemos looks at ‘Positional Play’ things like voluntarily giving up ‘The Bishop Pair’, How to attack doubled ‘C’ pawns, Placing Rooks deliberately on Closed files, The IQP advantages and disadvantages and many more Positional Play methods.
Volume 58: Master the Middlegame – Presented by GM Damian Lemos
This DVD has emphasis on the ‘Middle game’ looking at ideas and concepts based around Pawn Structure, Bishop Pair, Kings Pawn Cover and many more elements. The opening is also considered on the lead in to the resulting middle games.
Volume 59: Defensive Domination – Presented by GM Damian Lemos
This DVD looks at ‘Defense’ and how to stay calm in the face of attack with concise understanding of opponents threats. Preparing your defense against expected attacks is considered as is the use of tactics.
Volume 60: Tactical Chess Guide – Presented by GM Damian Lemos
This DVD looks at ‘Tactics’ and how a Grandmaster thinks in tactical situations. Searching for surprising moves, opening lines to the King, King Hunt, In-Between moves, Removal of Key Defenders and many more tactics are considered.
مجموعه امپراتوری شطرنج جلد (The Club Player’s Manifesto – (Volumes 51-60