منابع و مراجع قابل استناد و استفاده این مقاله به شرح ذیل است .
1. Complete Home Guide to all the Vitamins, Ruth Adams, Larchmont Press, 1972.
2. Natural Alternatives to Steroids, Lakes Nutrition Newsletter, Nov. 1994.
3. Healing with Herbs and Vitamins, Dr. Samuel S. Trager, D.C., Fresh Mountain Air Publishing, 1979.
4. Better Bounce for your Buck with Bioflavonoids, Anthony J. Cichoke, M.A. D.C. D.A.C.B.N., Energy Times, Nov/Dec. 1994, p. 32.
5. Garcinia Cambogia, Lakes Nutrition Newsletter, Nov, 1994.
6. Healing with Nutrition, Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Rodale Press, 1984.
7. Satisfying Your Special Needs, Morgan Martin, N.D. L.M., Energy Times, Nov/Dec. 1994.
8. Speedy Injury Recovery Through Nutrition, Lakes Nutrition Newsletter, Aug/Sept. 1994.
9. Natural Healing Annual, Mark Bricklin, Rodale Press, 1987.
10. Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Michael Murray, N.D., Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., Prima Publishing, 1991.
11. Treating PMS, Menopausal Symptoms & Osteoporosis without Side Effects, Lakes Nutrition Newsletter, Aug/Sept. 1994.
12. Amazing Amino Acids, Wm. Hill Ph.D., Keats, 1984.
13. Shark Cartilage/Cancer Treatment, Lakes Nutrition Newsletter, March 1994.
14. Fats That Heal, Fats that Kill, Udo Eramus, Ph.D., Energy Times, Nov/Dec. p.52.
15. Royal Jelly, James F. Scheer, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, Dec. 1994, p 46.
16. Body, Mind & B Vitamins, Ruth Adams, Frank Murray, Larchmont Press, 1972.
17. Kneipp Herbs, Dr. Benedict Lust, Lust Publications, 1968.
18. Aloe Vera, Frank Murray, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, Dec. 1994, p. 50.
19. Garlic is Good For You, Lakes Nutrition Newsletter, July 1993.
20. Natural Help for Arthritis Sufferers, Lakes Nutrition Newsletter, Oct. 1993.
21. Back to Eden, Jethro Kloss, 1985.
22. Herbal Immunity Enhancers, Rob McCaleb, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, Dec. 1994, p.52.
23. Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine, Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D., Keats, 1986.
24. B Complex Efficiency, Frank Murray, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, July 1994, p.50.
25. Antioxidants, Stephan Langer, M.D., Better Nutrition for Todays Living, July 1994, p38.
26. Low Thyroid Got You Down?, Lakes Nutrition Newsletter, Sept. 1994.
27. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, James F. Balch, M.D., Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C., Avery, 1990.
28. Stress and the Adrenals, Lakes Nutrition Newsletter, Sept. 1994.
29. The Health Seeker, J.L. Rodale, Rodale Press, 1968.
30. Complete Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements, H. Winter Griffin, M.D., Fisher Books, 1988.
31. Nutrients Can Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease, Lakes Nutrition Newsletter, June/July 1994.
32. Weight Loss, Stephen Langer, M.D. , Better Nutrition for Todays Living, May 1993, p. 36.
33. Encyclopedia of Common Diseases, J.L. Rodale, Rodale Press, 1972.
34. Complete Book of Minerals for Health, J.L. Rodale, Rodale Press, 1972.
35. Bee Pollen, James Scheer, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, May, 1993, p. 44.
36. Herbal Medicine Cabinet, Robert S. McCaleb, Energy Times, Sept/Oct, 1994, p. 39.
37. Top 10 Best Researched Herbs, Steven Taormina, Delicious Magazine, Aug, 1994, p.44.
38. When Hot is Healthy, Rob McCaleb, Energy Times, Jan/Feb, 1995, p. 40.
39. Vitex, Christopher Hobbs, Botanical Press, 1990.
40. Freedom of Movement, Michael Finnegan, Energy Times, March/Apr 1995, p. 50.
41. Understanding Cholesterol, Anthony J. Cichoke, M.A.D.C., D.A.C.B.N., Energy Times, March/Apr. 1994, p.34.
42. Health Builder, J.L. Rodale, Rodale Press, 1967.
43. Homeopathy and Herbs, Kurt W. Donsbach, D.C. N.D., Ph.D., Rockland Press, 1993.
44. Achoo, Stephen Langer, M.D., James Scheer, Energy Times, Sept/Oct. 1994, p.50.
45. Food for Thought, Jodi Summers, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, Aug. 1994, p. 26.
46. Vitamin E: The Wonder Worker, Ruth Adams & Frank Murray, Larchmont Press, 1971.
47. Options, Richard Walters, Avery, 1993.
48. Garlic, Frank Murray, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, May, 1994, p. 56.
49. Herbal Medicine, Dian Dincin Buchman, Grammercy, 1980.
50. Natural Healing, Mark Bricklin, Rodale Press, 1976.
51. Astragalus, Rob McCaleb, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, May 1993, p 50.
52. Healing Foods, Patricia Hausman & Judith Bern Hurley, St. Martins Press, 1989.
53. Lets Stay Healthy, Adelle Davis, Harcourt Brace, 1981.
54. Herbs to Halt Hypertension, Rob McCaleb, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, May 1994 p. 50.
55. Foods That Cure Cancer, Patricia Hausman, Rawson, 1983.
56. Niacin Helps Chromium Build Stronger Bridges, James Scheer, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, May 1994, p. 46.
57. Womans Encyclopedia of Health & Natural Healing, Emricka Padus, Rodale Press, 1981.
58. Antioxidants, Frank Murray, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, May 1994, p.38.
59. Herbs, the Magic Healers, Paul Twitchell, Eckankar Press, 1971.
60. Ginkgo Biloba, Rob McCaleb, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, May 1994, p. 60.
61. Acidolphilus, James Scheer, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, May 1994, p. 50.
62. Beating Cancer with Nutrition, Dr. Patrick Quillen, Nutrition Times Press, 1990.
63. Holistic Protocol for the Immune System, Scott J. Gregory, O.M.D., Tree of Life Publications, 1989.
64. Supercharge your Immune System, Joseph, E. Pizzorno, Jr, Natural Health Magazine, Sept/Oct. 1994, p. 80.
65. 30 Herbal Remedies for Common Conditions by Ed Hardy, Natural Health Magazine, Sept/Oct. 1994, p. 80.
66. Home Remedies, Laurel Vukovic, Natural Health Magazine, Sept/Oct. 1994, p.66.
67. Choices in Healing, Michael Lerner, MIT Press, 1994.
68. Natural Alternatives to Over the Counter and Prescription Drugs, Michael T. Murray, N.D., Wm. Morrow and Co. Inc. 1994.
69. Herbal Tonic Therapies, Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D., Keats, 1993.
70. Sharks Dont Get Cancer, Dr. I. Wm. Lane, Linda Comac, Avery, 1992.
71. Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill, Udo Erasmus, Ph.D., Energy Times, Nov/Dec. 1994.
72. Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Second Edition, James F. Balch, MD, Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, Avery, 1997.
73. Natural Healing with Herbs, Humbart Santillo, ND, Hohm Press, 1993.
74. Spontaneous Healing, Andrew Weil, MD, Alfred A Knopf, 1995.
75. Complete Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements, H. Winter Griffith, MD, Fisher Books, 1988.
76. Dr. Whitakers Guide to Natural Healing, Julian Whitaker, MD, Prima Publishing, 1994.
77. Healing with Whole Foods, Paul Pitchford, North America Books, 1993.
78. Healing with Vitamins, Rodale Press, 1996
79. New Choices in Natural Healing, Rodale Press, 1995.
80. Hormone Replacement Therapy, Betty Kamen, Ph.D. Nutrition Encounter, 1993.
81. Fibroid Tumors & Endometriosis, Susan Lark, MD, Celistialarts, 1995.
82. Medicinal Mushrooms, Rob McCaleb, Delicious Magazine, Oct. 1995.
83. COQ10 and Cardiovascular Disease, Energy Times, Jan/Feb 1995.
84. Put Your Worries to Sleep, Energy Times, July/Aug.1995.
85. Melatonin is Helpful for Insomina, Jet Lag, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, Sept. 1994.
86. Garcinia Cambogia Natures New Diet Ingredient, Lakes Nutrition Newsletter Nov. 1994.
87. Mainstay of Weight Loss: Exercise, Good Nutrition, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, Oct. 1995.
88. FOS , James J. Gormley, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, Oct. 1995.
89. Royal Jelly Hiveful of Healing, James F. Scheer, Better Nutrition for Todays Living, Dec. 1994.
90. Finding Eternal Youth, William Regelson, MD and Carol Colman, Energy Times, Jan 1997.
91. Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bladder Cancer, Health Counselor, June/July 1997.
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