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فرمت فایل:Word (قابل ویرایش و آماده پرینت)
تعداد صفحه34
Quality of life, coping in spouses of chemical devotees involved in pulmonary complications of sulfur mustard
Mahbnbe safavy, and mahmood mahmoody, and kolsoom akbarnataj
School of nursing and midwifery. Tehran medical Islamic Azad University. Tehran, Iran
Key words; quality of life, coping, spouses of chemical devotees, pulmonary complications of sulfur mustard'
Sulfur mustard has a great negative impact on physical, psychological, family- social, financial and spiritual aspects of the quality of life in chemical devotees and then their caregivers, specifically spouses. There for, pulmonary complications of sulfur mustard as a chronic disease is a stressful situation for them. Spouse must also strive to cope with psycho - social, physico financial changes and problems such as lone liness, social isolation, depression, anxiety. role alteration, disruption in family life and others.
We wanted study how spoused of chemical devotees manage their conditions or situation stressful and La identify factors that arc conducive to coping, good quality of life.
Questionnaires were taked to 100 spouses of chemical devotees i nvolved in pulmonary complications of sulfur mustard (aged 20-60 years) that living in tehran city.
The questionnaires consisted of two standardized scales: ferell and grant's family quality of li fe (fqol). and so jalowicc coping scale (jcs).
Among the 100 patient, low, moderate and high quality of life scores were related ordinary 33%, 54% and 13%. So, the scores or coping methods in participant that 75'Yo was moderate and to quality of 12% was good and poor
Physical, psychological and social domains in 19%, 0%, 49% ordinary was good. Also an inverse correlation between the educational level and percent of chemical devotees in spouses with quality of life be showed, where as about of job and positive one direct correlation be considered.
Good quality of life were Low. However there is not a closeness and competence relation between coping and quality of life, but the results are valuable in planning care for spouse of chemical devotees and client's. Reponsible organizations must also provid. The social, supportive, therapuetic and walfa.re of services for them. So, nurses can used individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy, education of coping and problem solving programs as interventiun for improved quality of life in spouses with chemical devotees.
Finally, the researcher suggest a qualitative study on the each domains of quality of life in spouses (care givers) of chemical devotees
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