1869 - Discovering the Critical Point (Thomas Andrews )
1879 - Solving the inorganic salts in ethanole at high pressure ( Hannay & Hogarth )
1895 – Changing the color of Iodine in supercritical carbon dioxide (Willard )
Supercritical Fluids
Supercritical fluids are substances above their critical temperatures and pressures , whose properties are intermediate between those of gases and liquids, and which can be controlled by both temperature and pressure.
Both Gas and liquid phases have the same densities in this range.
Why CO2 ?
It’s critical point is in an easily reached range.
At its normal Gaseous state Carbon Dioxide is
an extremely bad solvent, but as a liquid it has much
better solvent capabilities.
Low toxicity , low reactivity & high purity at low
Extraction with supercritical fluid
Herbal medicine
Herbal essence
Herbal oil
Anti oxidants
Supercritical fluid as a reaction enviroment
Synthesis of catalyst (RESS , GAC)
Making the small reactors with high performance
شامل 43 اسلاید powerpoint
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